Therefore, Go.


Last night, I struggled to fall asleep. I’ve developed a habit of praying whenever I can’t sleep–literally, I pray myself to sleep almost every night.

My newest favorite topic of prayer is love–mostly, Christ’s love for me.

This is how my conversation with Jesus went last night:

Me: “Jesus, I love You so much, but I know it doesn’t even compare to how much You love me.”

Jesus: “Yeah, I acted on my love for you.”


OUCH. Talk about the Savior letting you know how it is.

The thing is, He’s right. (like that’s a surprise.)

Jesus was born into this sinful world at a disadvantage. He was born in a stable surrounded by dirty animals. He left His place of royalty to fulfill the law.

He faced the same temptation we face, yet He didn’t let the temptation trap Him. He lived a perfect, spotless, blameless life.

He never did…

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